Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ameba Pico

It's been so long since I have blogged. Lol! How fast 2 years can pass us by. I am now 21. So much have happened but I won't spend time with catching up. Instead, I wanna share with everyone my recent obsession- Ameba Pico!

Let's start with a little bit of background. Ameba Pico first started I'm Japan under a different name- Ameba Pigg. Basically, it is a website where people can make their own characters and interact with each other.

Although Ameba Pico is an American site, there are still many players from all over world. So depending on the timezone, you can meet many foreigners. I myself love to practice my Japanese with the Japanese players. Even though my Japanese isn't that great, the japanese players were very nice and very patient with me. My buddy list is filled with players from all over the world!

If you have free time and want to make friends online, Ameba Pico is definitely the place to be. I'm usually online around night time and you can find me under the name of Lydie. Hope to see you soon!

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